In [18]: # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    ...: import numpy as np

    ...: import pandas as pd

    ...: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    ...: import random


    ...: df = pd.read_csv ('/home/jeet/Desktop/Rainfall_data.csv',encoding="cp1252")


    ...: print("\n------- output data :-----------\n")

    ...: print("Rainfall Data Analysis (1901 to 2017):")

    ...: print("\n-----------------------------------\n")


    ...: # Question – A : get row and column numbers


    ...: print("Dimension of the data frame = ",df.shape)


    ...: # Question – B : print column names :


    ...: print('--------------------------------------------\n')

    ...: print('Column names as follows :\n')

    ...: print('------------------------\n')

    ...: count = 0

    ...: for col in df.columns:

    ...: print(count,"-->",col)

    ...: count = count+1

    ...: print("\n-----------------------------\n")


    ...: #--- Main operation ------


    ...: sub_div_name = df.groupby(['SUBDIVISION'])[['YEAR']].count()


    ...: print("---------------------------------")

    ...: print("\t Subdivisions : ")

    ...: print("-------------------------------")

    ...: print(sub_div_name)

    ...: print("-------------------------------")

    ...: count = 0

    ...: for row in range(len(sub_div_name)):

    ...: count = count+1


    ...: print("total no. of subdivisions = ",count)

    ...: print("-----------------------------\n")




    ...: # [01] Andaman & Nicobar Islands

    ...: # [02] Arunachal Pradesh

    ...: # [03] Assam & Meghalaya

    ...: # [04] Bihar

    ...: # [05] Chhattisgarh


    ...: plt.title('[ Set - 1 ] Rainfall in India ( 1901 - 2017) : ')

    ...: plt.xlabel("year--- >")

    ...: plt.ylabel("growth --- >")


    ...: df_andaman = df[df.SUBDIVISION == 'Andaman & Nicobar Islands']

    ...: plt.plot(df_andaman['YEAR'],df_andaman['ANNUAL'],

    ...: marker=7,

    ...: markersize=10,

    ...: linestyle='dashed',

    ...: label="[1] Andaman & Nicobar Islands ")


    ...: df_arunachal = df[df.SUBDIVISION == 'Arunachal Pradesh']

    ...: plt.plot(df_arunachal['YEAR'],df_arunachal['ANNUAL'],

    ...: marker='*',

    ...: markersize=10,

    ...: linestyle='dashed',

    ...: label="[2] Arunachal Pradesh")


    ...: df_assam = df[df.SUBDIVISION == 'Assam & Meghalaya']

    ...: plt.plot(df_assam['YEAR'],df_assam['ANNUAL'],

    ...: marker='+',

    ...: markersize=10,

    ...: linestyle='dashed',

    ...: label="[3] Assam & Meghalaya")


    ...: df_bihar = df[df.SUBDIVISION == 'Bihar']

    ...: plt.plot(df_bihar['YEAR'],df_bihar['ANNUAL'],

    ...: marker='X',

    ...: markersize=10,

    ...: linestyle='dashed',

    ...: label="[4] Bihar")


    ...: df_chattishgarh = df[df.SUBDIVISION == 'Chhattisgarh']

    ...: plt.plot(df_chattishgarh['YEAR'],df_chattishgarh['ANNUAL'],

    ...: marker="o",

    ...: markersize=10,

    ...: linestyle='dashed',

    ...: label="[5] Chattishgarh")


    ...: plt.legend()




    ...: # [06] Coastal Andhra Pradesh 117

    ...: # [07] Coastal Karnataka 117

    ...: # [08] East Madhya Pradesh 117

    ...: # [09] East Rajasthan 117

    ...: # [10] East Uttar Pradesh 117


    ...: plt.title('[ Set - 2 ] Rainfall in India ( 1901 - 2017) : ')

    ...: plt.xlabel("year --- >")

    ...: plt.ylabel("growth --- >")


    ...: df_andhra = df[df.SUBDIVISION == 'Coastal Andhra Pradesh']

    ...: plt.plot(df_andhra['YEAR'],df_andhra['ANNUAL'],

    ...: marker=7,

    ...: markersize=10,

    ...: linestyle='dashed',

    ...: label="[6] Coastal Andhra Pradesh ")


    ...: df_karnataka = df[df.SUBDIVISION == 'Coastal Karnataka']

    ...: plt.plot(df_karnataka['YEAR'],df_karnataka['ANNUAL'],

    ...: marker='*',

    ...: markersize=10,

    ...: linestyle='dashed',

    ...: label="[7] Coastal Karnataka")


    ...: df_e_Madhya = df[df.SUBDIVISION == 'East Madhya Pradesh']

    ...: plt.plot(df_e_Madhya['YEAR'],df_e_Madhya['ANNUAL'],

    ...: marker='+',

    ...: markersize=10,

    ...: linestyle='dashed',

    ...: label="[8] East Madhya Pradesh")


    ...: df_e_Raj = df[df.SUBDIVISION == 'East Rajasthan']

    ...: plt.plot(df_e_Raj['YEAR'],df_e_Raj['ANNUAL'],

    ...: marker='X',

    ...: markersize=10,

    ...: linestyle='dashed',

    ...: label="[9] East Rajasthan")


    ...: df_e_UP = df[df.SUBDIVISION == 'East Uttar Pradesh']

    ...: plt.plot(df_e_UP['YEAR'],df_e_UP['ANNUAL'],

    ...: marker="o",

    ...: markersize=10,

    ...: linestyle='dashed',

    ...: label="[10] East Uttar Pradesh")


    ...: plt.legend()



    ...: # [11] Gangetic West Bengal 117

    ...: # [12] Gujarat Region 117

    ...: # [13] Haryana Delhi & Chandigarh 117

    ...: # [14] Himachal Pradesh 117

    ...: # [15] Jammu & Kashmir 117


    ...: plt.title('[ Set - 3 ] Rainfall in India ( 1901 - 2017) : ')

    ...: plt.xlabel("year --- >")

    ...: plt.ylabel("growth --- >")


    ...: df_gwb = df[df.SUBDIVISION == 'Gangetic West Bengal']

    ...: plt.plot(df_gwb['YEAR'],df_gwb['ANNUAL'],

    ...: marker=7,

    ...: markersize=10,

    ...: linestyle='dashed',

    ...: label="[11] Gangetic West Bengal ")


    ...: df_gr = df[df.SUBDIVISION == 'Gujarat Region']

    ...: plt.plot(df_gr['YEAR'],df_gr['ANNUAL'],

    ...: marker='*',

    ...: markersize=10,

    ...: linestyle='dashed',

    ...: label="[12] Gujarat Region")


    ...: df_hdc = df[df.SUBDIVISION == 'Haryana Delhi & Chandigarh']

    ...: plt.plot(df_hdc['YEAR'],df_hdc['ANNUAL'],

    ...: marker='+',

    ...: markersize=10,

    ...: linestyle='dashed',

    ...: label="[13] Haryana Delhi & Chandigarh")


    ...: df_hp = df[df.SUBDIVISION == 'Himachal Pradesh ']

    ...: plt.plot(df_hp['YEAR'],df_hp['ANNUAL'],

    ...: marker='X',

    ...: markersize=10,

    ...: linestyle='dashed',

    ...: label="[14] Himachal Pradesh")


    ...: df_jk = df[df.SUBDIVISION == 'Jammu & Kashmir']

    ...: plt.plot(df_jk['YEAR'],df_jk['ANNUAL'],

    ...: marker="o",

    ...: markersize=10,

    ...: linestyle='dashed',

    ...: label="[15] Jammu & Kashmir")


    ...: plt.legend()



    ...: # [16] Jharkhand 117

    ...: # [17] Kerala 117

    ...: # [18] Konkan & Goa 117

    ...: # [19] Lakshadweep 116

    ...: # [20] Madhya Maharashtra 117


    ...: plt.title('[ Set - 4 ] Rainfall in India ( 1901 - 2017) : ')

    ...: plt.xlabel("year --- >")

    ...: plt.ylabel("growth --- >")


    ...: df_jhar = df[df.SUBDIVISION == 'Jharkhand']

    ...: plt.plot(df_jhar['YEAR'],df_jhar['ANNUAL'],

    ...: marker=7,

    ...: markersize=10,

    ...: linestyle='dashed',

    ...: label="[16] Jharkhand ")


    ...: df_kerala = df[df.SUBDIVISION == 'Kerala']

    ...: plt.plot(df_kerala['YEAR'],df_kerala['ANNUAL'],

    ...: marker='*',

    ...: markersize=10,

    ...: linestyle='dashed',

    ...: label="[17] Kerala ")


    ...: df_kg = df[df.SUBDIVISION == 'Konkan & Goa']

    ...: plt.plot(df_kg['YEAR'],df_kg['ANNUAL'],

    ...: marker='+',

    ...: markersize=10,

    ...: linestyle='dashed',

    ...: label="[18] Konkan & Goa ")


    ...: df_lak = df[df.SUBDIVISION == 'Lakshadweep']

    ...: plt.plot(df_lak['YEAR'],df_lak['ANNUAL'],

    ...: marker='X',

    ...: markersize=10,

    ...: linestyle='dashed',

    ...: label="[19] Lakshadweep")


    ...: df_mam = df[df.SUBDIVISION == 'Madhya Maharashtra']

    ...: plt.plot(df_mam['YEAR'],df_mam['ANNUAL'],

    ...: marker="o",

    ...: markersize=10,

    ...: linestyle='dashed',

    ...: label="[20] Madhya Maharashtra")


    ...: plt.legend()



    ...: # [21] Matathwada 117

    ...: # [22] Naga Mani Mizo Tripura 117

    ...: # [23] North Interior Karnataka 117

    ...: # [24] Orissa 117

    ...: # [25] Punjab 117


    ...: plt.title('[ Set - 5 ] Rainfall in India ( 1901 - 2017) : ')

    ...: plt.xlabel("year --- >")

    ...: plt.ylabel("growth --- >")


    ...: df_mat = df[df.SUBDIVISION == 'Matathwada']

    ...: plt.plot(df_mat['YEAR'],df_mat['ANNUAL'],

    ...: marker=7,

    ...: markersize=10,

    ...: linestyle='dashed',

    ...: label="[21] Matathwada ")


    ...: df_naga = df[df.SUBDIVISION == 'Naga Mani Mizo Tripura']

    ...: plt.plot(df_naga['YEAR'],df_naga['ANNUAL'],

    ...: marker='*',

    ...: markersize=10,

    ...: linestyle='dashed',

    ...: label="[22] Naga Mani Mizo Tripura ")


    ...: df_nik = df[df.SUBDIVISION == 'North Interior Karnataka']

    ...: plt.plot(df_nik['YEAR'],df_nik['ANNUAL'],

    ...: marker='+',

    ...: markersize=10,

    ...: linestyle='dashed',

    ...: label="[23] North Interior Karnataka")


    ...: df_ori = df[df.SUBDIVISION == 'Orissa']

    ...: plt.plot(df_ori['YEAR'],df_ori['ANNUAL'],

    ...: marker='X',

    ...: markersize=10,

    ...: linestyle='dashed',

    ...: label="[24] Orissa")


    ...: df_pun = df[df.SUBDIVISION == 'Punjab']

    ...: plt.plot(df_pun['YEAR'],df_pun['ANNUAL'],

    ...: marker="o",

    ...: markersize=10,

    ...: linestyle='dashed',

    ...: label="[25] Punjab ")


    ...: plt.legend()



    ...: # [26] Rayalseema 117

    ...: # [27] Saurashtra & Kutch 117

    ...: # [28] South Interior Karnataka 117

    ...: # [29] Sub Himalayan West Bengal & Sikkim 117

    ...: # [30] Tamil Nadu 117


    ...: plt.title('[ Set - 6 ] Rainfall in India ( 1901 - 2017) : ')

    ...: plt.xlabel("year --- >")

    ...: plt.ylabel("growth --- >")


    ...: df_raya = df[df.SUBDIVISION == 'Rayalseema']

    ...: plt.plot(df_raya['YEAR'],df_raya['ANNUAL'],

    ...: marker=7,

    ...: markersize=10,

    ...: linestyle='dashed',

    ...: label="[26] Rayalseema ")


    ...: df_sk = df[df.SUBDIVISION == 'Saurashtra & Kutch']

    ...: plt.plot(df_sk['YEAR'],df_sk['ANNUAL'],

    ...: marker='*',

    ...: markersize=10,

    ...: linestyle='dashed',

    ...: label="[27] Saurashtra & Kutch ")


    ...: df_sik = df[df.SUBDIVISION == 'South Interior Karnataka']

    ...: plt.plot(df_sik['YEAR'],df_sik['ANNUAL'],

    ...: marker='+',

    ...: markersize=10,

    ...: linestyle='dashed',

    ...: label="[28] South Interior Karnataka")


    ...: df_shwb = df[df.SUBDIVISION == 'Sub Himalayan West Bengal & Sikkim']

    ...: plt.plot(df_shwb['YEAR'],df_shwb['ANNUAL'],

    ...: marker='X',

    ...: markersize=10,

    ...: linestyle='dashed',

    ...: label="[29] Sub Himalayan West Bengal & Sikkim")


    ...: df_tn = df[df.SUBDIVISION == 'Tamil Nadu']

    ...: plt.plot(df_tn['YEAR'],df_tn['ANNUAL'],

    ...: marker="o",

    ...: markersize=10,

    ...: linestyle='dashed',

    ...: label="[30] Tamil Nadu ")


    ...: plt.legend()



    ...: # [31] Telangana 117

    ...: # [32] Uttarakhand 117

    ...: # [33] Vidarbha 117

    ...: # [34] West Madhya Pradesh 117

    ...: # [35] West Rajasthan 117

    ...: # [36] West Uttar Pradesh 117


    ...: plt.title('[ Set - 7 ] Rainfall in India ( 1901 - 2017) : ')

    ...: plt.xlabel("year --- >")

    ...: plt.ylabel("growth --- >")


    ...: df_tel = df[df.SUBDIVISION == 'Telangana']

    ...: plt.plot(df_tel['YEAR'],df_tel['ANNUAL'],

    ...: marker=7,

    ...: markersize=10,

    ...: linestyle='dashed',

    ...: label="[31] Telangana")


    ...: df_utt = df[df.SUBDIVISION == 'Uttarakhand']

    ...: plt.plot(df_utt['YEAR'],df_utt['ANNUAL'],

    ...: marker='*',

    ...: markersize=10,

    ...: linestyle='dashed',

    ...: label="[32] Uttarakhand")


    ...: df_vid = df[df.SUBDIVISION == 'Vidarbha']

    ...: plt.plot(df_vid['YEAR'],df_vid['ANNUAL'],

    ...: marker='+',

    ...: markersize=10,

    ...: linestyle='dashed',

    ...: label="[33] Vidarbha ")


    ...: df_wmp = df[df.SUBDIVISION == 'West Madhya Pradesh']

    ...: plt.plot(df_wmp['YEAR'],df_wmp['ANNUAL'],

    ...: marker='X',

    ...: markersize=10,

    ...: linestyle='dashed',

    ...: label="[34] West Madhya Pradesh")


    ...: df_wr = df[df.SUBDIVISION == 'West Rajasthan']

    ...: plt.plot(df_wr['YEAR'],df_wr['ANNUAL'],

    ...: marker="o",

    ...: markersize=10,

    ...: linestyle='dashed',

    ...: label="[35] West Rajasthan")


    ...: df_wup = df[df.SUBDIVISION == 'West Uttar Pradesh']

    ...: plt.plot(df_wup['YEAR'],df_wup['ANNUAL'],

    ...: marker=4,

    ...: markersize=10,

    ...: linestyle='dashed',

    ...: label="[36]West Uttar Pradesh")


    ...: plt.legend()


------- output data :-----------

Rainfall Data Analysis (1901 to 2017):


Dimension of the data frame = (4188, 19)


Column names as follows :



1 --> YEAR

2 --> JAN

3 --> FEB

4 --> MAR

5 --> APR

6 --> MAY

7 --> JUN

8 --> JUL

9 --> AUG

10 --> SEP

11 --> OCT

12 --> NOV

13 --> DEC

14 --> ANNUAL

15 --> JF

16 --> MAM

17 --> JJAS

18 --> OND



Subdivisions :




Andaman & Nicobar Islands 112

Arunachal Pradesh 99

Assam & Meghalaya 117

Bihar 117

Chhattisgarh 117

Coastal Andhra Pradesh 117

Coastal Karnataka 117

East Madhya Pradesh 117

East Rajasthan 117

East Uttar Pradesh 117

Gangetic West Bengal 117

Gujarat Region 117

Haryana Delhi & Chandigarh 117

Himachal Pradesh 117

Jammu & Kashmir 117

Jharkhand 117

Kerala 117

Konkan & Goa 117

Lakshadweep 116

Madhya Maharashtra 117

Matathwada 117

Naga Mani Mizo Tripura 117

North Interior Karnataka 117

Orissa 117

Punjab 117

Rayalseema 117

Saurashtra & Kutch 117

South Interior Karnataka 117

Sub Himalayan West Bengal & Sikkim 117

Tamil Nadu 117

Telangana 117

Uttarakhand 117

Vidarbha 117

West Madhya Pradesh 117

West Rajasthan 117

West Uttar Pradesh 117


total no. of subdivisions = 36


In [19]: