Data Analysis : Agriculture Prediction

Analyse the co-factors (like - rainfall,temperature etc ) related to agriculture

Languages :

Languages :

Statewise Detailed analysis
(Agriculture Data):

[ Enter ]

Rainfall Analysis
(January to December):

[ Enter ]

Temperature Analysis
(January to December):

[ Enter ]

Agriculture Main Section :

[ Code & Output(Python)]

[ Source data ]

( Used data for States(29) and union territories(7) of India,but 3 states data was missing in the data set, for programming simplicity both are called as states,not confused with that )

Main menu (Agriculture Data Analysis) :

 [1] Print dimension of the data file

 [2] Print column names of the data file

 [3] Print available states in the data

 [4] Print districts of all states

 [5] Print production data

 [6] Print production area data

 [7] Plot area and production (without prediction)

 [8] Area prediction model and print growth rate

 [9] Production prediction model and

print growth rate

[1] Title: District-wise, season-wise crop production statistics.

[2] Description:
The data refers to district wise, crop wise, season wise and year wise data on crop covered area and production. The data is being used to study and analyze crop production, production contribution to district/State/country, Agro-climatic zone wise performance, and high yield production order for crops, crop growing pattern and diversification. The system is also a vital source for formulating crop related schemes and assessing their impacts.

[3] Released Under : National Data Sharing and Accessibility Policy (NDSAP)

[4] Contributor: Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare

Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers Welfare

Directorate of Economics and Statistics (DES)

[5] Group: Crop Production Statistics

[6] Sectors: Agricultural Produces

[7] Published on Data Portal: February 13, 2014